Android Phone Tips- How To Read Out Loud Text From Web Page on Android Phone


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There are times when you might not want to read long text from web pages. Instead you might want to let your phone read out text for you. On desktop, you may try some browser extensions to read out text for your. On your Android Phone, it is possible with Google Assistant. In this post, we shall see How To Read Out Loud Text From Web Page on Android Phone.

Video: How To Read Out Loud Text From Web Page on Android Phone

You can watch this short video regarding How To Read Out Loud Text From Web Page on Android Phone. It will give you a good idea on this. If you want to skip the video, read on below the video.

How To Read Out Loud Text From Web Page on Android Phone

  • Open Google Chrome app on your Android Phone and open the page containing the text you want to be read out.

Note: As per our tests, it works better with Google Chrome app. We tested with FireFox web browser on Android and it reads only the screen which is visible. Where as on Google Chrome app, we can scroll and it reads the entire page.

  • Give a voice command to activate Google Assistant with ‘Hey Google’ or ‘Ok Google’
  • Or you can also long press the home button on your Android smartphone to activate Google Assistant.
  • Once Google Assistant is activated and waiting for your command, say ‘Read this page’.
  • Google Assistant will start initializing and read out the text for you.
  • You can start listening to the narration.
  • You can speed up the narrator, pause, fast forward.


To stop the narrator, you can tap on the back arrow key (top left corner) or draw the notification area and tap on ‘x’ close.

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